Draft of the Standardization of Training Schemes

The  “Draft of the Standardization of Training Schemes” provides an overview of the process of the recognition of competences in each country participating to the project. The pourpose of this document is to sign, in the end of the project, a Memorandum of Understanding among the participating countries for mutual recognition of competences in the BIM-energy performance world.

Who is interested in the subject, can view the document at this link.

Report on CEN existing standards and standardization landscape

The Report on CEN existing standards and standardization landscape, provides an overview of the standards’ world and describes how a standard is proposed, discussed and then approved by involving all the main stakeholders. A standard, in fact, has to meet the end users requirements and cannot cause of any barrier to the market. The international non-profit organization, BuildingSMART international is continuously developing the standard following the stakeholders needs. ISO and CEN technical committee agreed to work together to develop BIM standards starting from the work done by BuildingSMART international. A few net-UBIEP partners are very active in all these technical committees and reported on the main results achieved so far. if interested to the entire document you can view it at this link.

Published the report on targets' role

The second report entitled "Report on Roles of Target Groups in the Building Life Cycle and their role in NZEB implementation" focuses on the roles and specific skills of the four main targets involved in the "almost zero energy" construction sector: that is the Public Administrations, the professionals (engineers / architects), the technicians (installers / maintainers), the tenants / owners / building administrators.

If interested you can find the entire report at this link.

First net-UBIEP report published

Focus of the first report entitled "Report on existing BIM professional profiles" is the harmonization of existing BIM profiles in the 7 partner countries of the project according to the EQF (European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning) methodology. Each country has defined and harmonized their profiles by collecting information on the EQF level, work areas, tasks and competences necessary for: Manager BIM, BIM Coordinator, BIM Expert, BIM User, BIM Evaluator, BIM Facility manager. The different phases of the life cycle, even if taking into consideration the different national approach, all refers to RIBA plan. Developed by the association of the architects and engineers in UK.

To view the report click here